【International Exchange】
International Webinar on Co-Creating with Youth: A New Way Forward for Youth Programmes
【International Exchange】
International Webinar on Co-Creating with Youth: A New Way Forward for Youth Programmes
國立臺北大學社會學門人社標竿計畫於12月15日舉辦本年度最後一場學術演講,邀請到暑假曾到本系擔任訪問學者,現任中國復旦大學社會學系副教授的張心潔發表其研究,題目為” Receptivity to different types of migrants in Taiwan: Civic behavior and support for same-sex marriage as novel correlates”。這次演講張老師嘗試從早期引進移(民)工的過程脈絡,結合相關的研究和理論,希望能夠提供其他視角破除過去對於移工的各種迷思。
International and National Collaborations on Youth Development and Empowerment: The Philippine Experience
Professor Grace L. Francis, George Mason University of Special Education